The illustrator Eric Hanson has a madcap style, reminiscent of the work of Ben Shahn, so we were very pleased when the opportunity to have him bring to life the anarchic Edie Cares, heroine of Terrible, Horrible Edie (clearly she had no part in the naming of the book). Eric recently sent us some of the early ideas for Edie, and we thought we'd share them with you.
By the way, Eric Hanson doesn't just have a blog and illustrate books (though he's just done the cover of John Waters's memoir, making Mr. Waters and Edie siblings of sorts), he's also written a book. It's called A Book of Ages, and will help you realize that you haven't done much with your life, no matter how old you are.
These are beautiful!
Posted by: J.P. | August 20, 2010 at 12:58 PM